So you have a product and now you have somewhere to operate your business from, but now what? Are you done? Well ask yourself this: Do your customers know that you exist online? Do they know where to find you? The answer is probably not. Now it’s time to advertise to your customers via internet marketing.
Think about it… When you first moved into your business location did waves and waves of customers magically appear at your door step that very same day? My guess is probably not. You probably had to advertise with your local news paper, had to join your local chamber of commerce, did tons of PR, created and distribute marketing materials, and just plain inform your community that you are now open for business. Well guess what, you have to do the same thing with your online website.
Now the methods might be a bit different than what you’re used to, since we are dealing with the internet, but a lot of the concepts should be familiar to you.
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